
Here We Go Again
The Drumbeats of Armed Conflict

An Islamist group known as ISIL or ISIS wishes to establish a Caliphate across the Middle East. Some people think this group poses an imminent threat to the United States, while others view the threat as a Middle East problem and that the America's blood and treasure should not be used to solve some other nations' problems. Read more...

Voter Education
Drawing Lines and Counting Votes

The Founding Fathers of the Constitution used, in part, arithmetic and cartography as a basis to reach an agreement on the number of Senators and Representatives that would be apportioned for each state. Where people lived would determine how cartographic lines on maps would be redrawn to accomplish the redistricting process. It was the Connecticut Compromise, known as the "Great Compromise" that settled the dispute between small and large-state representation. Read more...

Common Core Standards for English Literature

I have read many articles articulating why some people support or oppose the Common Core Standards for k-12 students of English literature. Debates center on the value of reading nonfiction versus fiction writings. I've concluded that both types of writings are essential to the pedagogical realm on teaching. Literature teaches us about life, empathy, sympathy, and critical thinking. Read more...

Nonprofit Organizations
Helping Thos in Need

The nonprofit industry in the United States contributed $751.2 billion of the nation's output, or 5.2% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2008. According to the Annual Report on Philanthropy, charitable giving in the United States for Year 2013 was an estimated $335.2 billion. In the words of former Senator Max Baucus, "Charities play an important role in the lives of many Americans." Read more...

The Illegal Immigration Conundrum:
Compassion and the Rule of Law

The United States shares about 7.000 miles of land border with Canada and Mexico. Citizens of government concerns over the southern border present complex challenges because compassion and the rule of law are intricately linked to policy and politics. Compassion can lead to good policy, but bad politics when the 538 members of Congress attempt to satisfy the desires of 308 million constituents. Read more...